Hi Friends! How are you?

This is our first post on our ‘new home’ and we are so happy with our ‘new home’,  yaaaayyyy!!! If you are new to our blog, you may not know that before this blog we had another photo blog that serve us nearly two years! we were so sad to have to move to this new blog but it was time to upgrade, but something went wrong until now, we are still cannot access our old blog, and we are trying to figure it out  :(.

Okay let’s move on, back to business  :).

Riri and Johan was one of great couples that we’ve meet, both are doctors, beautiful and handsome fit with each other, we are so proud having a chance to capture their memories. I just want to make it quick, let’s enjoy the photos  :).

7 thoughts on “RIRI + JOHAN PREWEDDING

  1. kapan yah dipajang di rmh baru uppermost..haha..*ngarep*
    these men are great!!! they really love their job.. n that’s why the results are just…amazing.

  2. Rere, sabar ya semua ada gilirannya hahaha… thanks a lot for keep on supporting us and give a lot of compliments, we love you! :)

  3. Hi Carol, thanks a lot for keep on supporting us, it’s an honour to have a friend like you :)

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