This is the longest prewedding photo session  that we have ever done, six days in a row! Tutut and Luki found us on the internet, just like our other lucky clients hahaha.  They wanted us to take pictures of their love story in THEUPPERMOST style, started at Parahyangan University, Bandung where they first met and ended at Singapore, where they continued their relationship to be more serious, although they also had a long distance relationship too. Six days spent with them make us know them from A to Z. We are very thankful for that and that was a great experience for us.  Too bad because we had other appointment with our other clients, so we could not take pictures of their wedding…

Here are their love stories in every THEUPPERMOST photos!

8 thoughts on “TUTUT + LUKI PREWEDDING

  1. HAI..

    Bagus bgt foto2nya.. jADI PENGEEEN di foto prewed jg…

    saya di kota Jambi melayani foto sampe luar jakarta ga? trus tarif paling murah 15jt ya? ga ada mini paket lg tuh ???

  2. Hi Irma, thanks ya… ayukk preweddd hehehee….
    Luar kota sampe luar negeri bisa aja hehehe… iyah segitu price listnya… wah mini paket gimana yah? hehehe…

  3. tolong price list-nya dong mas, saya tertarik banget nih mau prewedd yg temanya seperti ini, tx

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